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This past Saturday, we had a fantastic company day at Danmatic, where our employees families got the chance to visit and explore our workplace – and, of course, see the impressive machines we build 🤩

A highlight of the day was serving drilled hotdog, a fitting choice since we invented the machines that drill the hole in the baguette.

It was a great day filled with fun, curiosity, and pride in what we do. A big thank you to everyone who joined us and made the event special.


i lørdags havde vi en fantastisk firmadag hos Danmatic, hvor vores medarbejderes familier fik mulighed for at besøge og udforske vores arbejdsplads – og selvfølgelig se de imponerende maskiner, vi bygger 🤩

Et højdepunkt på dagen var serveringen af franske hotdogs – et oplagt valg, da vi har opfundet maskinerne, der borer hullet i baguetten.

Det var en skøn dag fyldt med sjov, nysgerrighed og stolthed over det, vi laver. En stor tak til alle, der deltog og gjorde arrangementet helt specielt.Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

This past Saturday, we had a fantastic company day at Danmatic, where our employees' families got the chance to visit and explore our workplace – and, of course, see the impressive machines we build 🤩

A highlight of the day was serving drilled hotdog, a fitting choice since we invented the machines that drill the hole in the baguette.

It was a great day filled with fun, curiosity, and pride in what we do. A big thank you to everyone who joined us and made the event special.


i lørdags havde vi en fantastisk firmadag hos Danmatic, hvor vores medarbejderes familier fik mulighed for at besøge og udforske vores arbejdsplads – og selvfølgelig se de imponerende maskiner, vi bygger 🤩

Et højdepunkt på dagen var serveringen af franske hotdogs – et oplagt valg, da vi har opfundet maskinerne, der borer hullet i baguetten.

Det var en skøn dag fyldt med sjov, nysgerrighed og stolthed over det, vi laver. En stor tak til alle, der deltog og gjorde arrangementet helt specielt.
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2 weeks ago
Nick, Ken, and Søren from Danmatic will be attending the ABA 2025 Convention in Orlando to explore the latest baking trends and new opportunities. They look forward to engaging with partners, customers, and suppliers to discuss the Danmatic ZERO WASTE concept. 
See you in Orlando from March 23-26, 2025 👋

For more information, please visit or contact 


Nick, Ken og Søren fra Danmatic deltager i ABA 2025 Convention i Orlando for at udforske de nyeste trends og nye muligheder. De ser frem til at møde partnere, kunder og leverandører for at drøfte Danmatic ZERO WASTE-konceptet. 
Vi ses i Orlando fra den 23.-26. marts 2025 👋

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #craftbakers  #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #bakers  #baking  #pastry  #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery  #seeds #savecost #Convention #ABAconventionImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Nick, Ken, and Søren from Danmatic will be attending the ABA 2025 Convention in Orlando to explore the latest baking trends and new opportunities. They look forward to engaging with partners, customers, and suppliers to discuss the Danmatic ZERO WASTE concept.
See you in Orlando from March 23-26, 2025 👋

For more information, please visit or contact


Nick, Ken og Søren fra Danmatic deltager i ABA 2025 Convention i Orlando for at udforske de nyeste trends og nye muligheder. De ser frem til at møde partnere, kunder og leverandører for at drøfte Danmatic ZERO WASTE-konceptet.
Vi ses i Orlando fra den 23.-26. marts 2025 👋

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #seeds #savecost #Convention #ABAconvention
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2 weeks ago
ZERO WASTE sustainability goals is good business in your bakery!

The Danmatic Target seeder only seed the product and not the whole pan. Which is good business because of:

✅ Reducing waste of seeds.
✅ Reduces cost for pan cleaning.
✅ Reduces cost for pan re-coating.
✅ Reduces cost for line cleaning of flour or seeds.

Learn more about Danmatic target seeder here:

Contact us today to learn more.
For more information, please visit or contact 


ZERO WASTE bæredygtighedsmål er god forretning for dit bageri!

Danmatic Target Seeder drysser kun frø på produktet – ikke på hele bagepladen. Det er en god forretning, fordi det:

✅ Reducerer spild af frø.
✅ Sænker omkostningerne til rengøring af plader.
✅ Reducerer udgifterne til genbelægning af plader.
✅ Mindsker omkostningerne til rengøring af linjen for mel og/eller frø.

Lær mere om Danmatic Target Seeder her:

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #craftbakers  #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #bakers  #baking  #pastry  #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery  #seeds #savecostImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

ZERO WASTE sustainability goals is good business in your bakery!

The Danmatic Target seeder only seed the product and not the whole pan. Which is good business because of:

✅ Reducing waste of seeds.
✅ Reduces cost for pan cleaning.
✅ Reduces cost for pan re-coating.
✅ Reduces cost for line cleaning of flour or seeds.

Learn more about Danmatic target seeder here:

Contact us today to learn more.
For more information, please visit or contact


ZERO WASTE bæredygtighedsmål er god forretning for dit bageri!

Danmatic Target Seeder drysser kun frø på produktet – ikke på hele bagepladen. Det er en god forretning, fordi det:

✅ Reducerer spild af frø.
✅ Sænker omkostningerne til rengøring af plader.
✅ Reducerer udgifterne til genbelægning af plader.
✅ Mindsker omkostningerne til rengøring af linjen for mel og/eller frø.

Lær mere om Danmatic Target Seeder her:

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #seeds #savecost
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3 weeks ago
Perfect Salting of Pretzels – Every Time...🤩

Danmatic Seeder with brush is designed to gently and precisely sprinkle encapsulated salt onto pretzels and pretzel rolls. The result? The salt does not dissolve due to damaging the encapsulation of the salt.

-  Gentle handling of the salt
-  Uniform and precise seeding
-  Salt do not fall off
-  No dissolving of salt
-  Perfect taste experience – every time

Want to ensure the best quality in your production? 
Let’s talk!

For more information, please visit or contact 


Perfekt saltning af Pretzels – hver gang... 🤩

Danmatic Seeder med børste er designet til skånsomt og præcist at strø indkapslet salt på Pretzels og pretzelboller. Resultatet? Saltet opløses ikke, da saltets indkapsling forbliver intakt.

- Skånsom håndtering af saltet
- Ensartet og præcis fordeling
- Saltet falder ikke af
- Ingen opløsning af saltet
- Perfekt smagsoplevelse – hver gang

Vil du sikre den bedste kvalitet i din produktion? 
Så lad os tage en snak!

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #craftbakers  #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #bakers  #baking 
#pastry  #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery  #Pretzels #salting #savecostImage attachment

Perfect Salting of Pretzels – Every Time...🤩

Danmatic Seeder with brush is designed to gently and precisely sprinkle encapsulated salt onto pretzels and pretzel rolls. The result? The salt does not dissolve due to damaging the encapsulation of the salt.

- Gentle handling of the salt
- Uniform and precise seeding
- Salt do not fall off
- No dissolving of salt
- Perfect taste experience – every time

Want to ensure the best quality in your production?
Let’s talk!

For more information, please visit or contact


Perfekt saltning af Pretzels – hver gang... 🤩

Danmatic Seeder med børste er designet til skånsomt og præcist at strø indkapslet salt på Pretzels og pretzelboller. Resultatet? Saltet opløses ikke, da saltets indkapsling forbliver intakt.

- Skånsom håndtering af saltet
- Ensartet og præcis fordeling
- Saltet falder ikke af
- Ingen opløsning af saltet
- Perfekt smagsoplevelse – hver gang

Vil du sikre den bedste kvalitet i din produktion?
Så lad os tage en snak!

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking
#pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #Pretzels #salting #savecost
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1 month ago
Danmatic Seeds Enrobed
Danmatic Retracting Unit - Industrial Model
Danmatic Depanner
Danmatic Moistening Roller - Olive Oil
Danmatic Retracting Unit
Danmatic Separator
Danmatic Seeder with brush
Danmatic Vacuum Conveyor
Danmatic Drilling / Bagging of Baguettes
Danmatic Tray Feeder
Danmatic Décor Unit 300 ST
Danmatic Vibrating Gutter System
Danmatic Seeder with Vibration
Danmatic Tray conveying
Danmatic Grouper
Bread Decoration

Spray Unit

Danmatic’s Spray Unit is designed for precise spraying of products on industrial lines and with easy cleaning in mind.

The pressure driven spray guns ensure minimal mist in the surrounding environment beside the unit. The Spray Unit can work with a great variety of liquids from pure water to oil and glaze/egg wash and can be equipped with a cooling tank to control the temperature.

All the wiring, hoses and electrical controls are enclosed in the stainless-steel cabinet, only the tip of the spray gun is visible outside the cabinet, this protects the components, and makes it easy to clean the unit.

The Spray Unit is equipped with PulsaJet spray guns, which are driven by the pressure in the liquid alone and are electrically activated. This means no compressed air is used and hereby we can greatly reduce the contamination to the surrounding area.

The pressure in the system is made by using a food approved pneumatic piston pump in stainless steel with a filter unit included.

Technical data
  • Spray guns offering a high-speed cycling - up to 5,000 cycles per minute
  • Available in width from 300 to 2.500 mm
  • Manufactured in stainless steel and food approved materials



  • Touch panel with recipe management.
  • Sideways adjustable spray guns – to easy adapt to different product patterns.
  • Filtermist unit to filter and collect the liquid in the surrounding air.
  • Mobile C-frame.
  • Double jacket cooling tank.

All the benefits

  • Precise spraying pattern with minimal waste
  • Designed for continuous operation – 24/7
  • Easy to incorporate in existing lines
  • Cleaning reduced to a minimum

Download datasheet

Feel free to download the datasheet on our Danmatic machines and learn more about our innovative products.


Please contact us

Please call us or send your general inquiries.

+45 8725 9800