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Danmatic crate, box and tray stacking and de-stacking solution eliminating non-value add functions.

👉 Save up to 75% of labor cost for stacking and de-stacking.
👉 Increase staff retention by avoiding heavy lifting and bad postures in your production.

For more information, please visit or contact 


Danmatic løsning til stabling og afstabling af kasser, bokse og bakker, der fjerner ikke-værdiskabende funktioner.

👉 Spar op til 75 % af lønomkostningerne til stabling og afstabling.
👉 Øg medarbejderfastholdelsen ved at undgå tunge løft og dårlige arbejdsstillinger i din produktion.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #globalbakery  #stacker #de-stackerImage attachment

Danmatic crate, box and tray stacking and de-stacking solution eliminating non-value add functions.

👉 Save up to 75% of labor cost for stacking and de-stacking.
👉 Increase staff retention by avoiding heavy lifting and bad postures in your production.

For more information, please visit or contact


Danmatic løsning til stabling og afstabling af kasser, bokse og bakker, der fjerner ikke-værdiskabende funktioner.

👉 Spar op til 75 % af lønomkostningerne til stabling og afstabling.
👉 Øg medarbejderfastholdelsen ved at undgå tunge løft og dårlige arbejdsstillinger i din produktion.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #globalbakery #stacker #de-stacker
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4 days ago
Nick and Ken from Danmatic US and Canada team will attend the ASB’s Baking Tech Conference  in Orlando to stay updated on baking trends and new opportunities and looking forward discussing the Danmatic ZERO WASTE concept with parthers, customers and suppliers. 

See you in Orlando Feb. 15-18, 2025!

For more information, please visit or contact 


Nick og Ken fra Danmatic-teamet i USA og Canada deltager i ASBs Baking Tech Conference i Orlando for at holde sig opdateret på de nyeste trends inden for bageribranchen og opdage nye muligheder. De ser frem til at diskutere Danmatic ZERO WASTE-konceptet med partnere, kunder og leverandører.

Vi ses i Orlando den 15.-18. februar 2025!
American Society of Baking

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food  #bakeryandfoodindustry  #breadindustry  #foodindustry #craftbakers  #bakingindustry  #bakerybusiness  #bakers  #baking  #pastry  #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #savecost #Zerowaste #fair #conference #ASBbakingtechconference #BakingTECH2025Image attachmentImage attachment

Nick and Ken from Danmatic US and Canada team will attend the ASB’s Baking Tech Conference in Orlando to stay updated on baking trends and new opportunities and looking forward discussing the Danmatic ZERO WASTE concept with parthers, customers and suppliers.

See you in Orlando Feb. 15-18, 2025!

For more information, please visit or contact


Nick og Ken fra Danmatic-teamet i USA og Canada deltager i ASB's Baking Tech Conference i Orlando for at holde sig opdateret på de nyeste trends inden for bageribranchen og opdage nye muligheder. De ser frem til at diskutere Danmatic ZERO WASTE-konceptet med partnere, kunder og leverandører.

Vi ses i Orlando den 15.-18. februar 2025!
American Society of Baking

For mere information besøg eller kontakt

#danmatic #bakery #food #bakeryandfoodindustry #breadindustry #foodindustry #craftbakers #bakingindustry #bakerybusiness #bakers #baking #pastry #bakeryandpastry #globalbakery #savecost #Zerowaste #fair #conference #ASBbakingtechconference #BakingTECH2025
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2 weeks ago
Save the date and let Danmatic show you how ZERO WASTE is possible to implement.

For more information, please visit or contact 


Sæt kryds i kalenderen, og lad Danmatic vise dig, hvordan ZERO WASTE kan implementeres.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt danmatic@danmatic.dkImage attachment

Save the date and let Danmatic show you how ZERO WASTE is possible to implement.

For more information, please visit or contact


Sæt kryds i kalenderen, og lad Danmatic vise dig, hvordan ZERO WASTE kan implementeres.

For mere information besøg eller kontakt
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2 weeks ago

As we wrap up the year, we reflect on a fantastic 2024 for Danmatic. We've expanded our activities in Viborg by increasing manufacturing capacity by 100% and established direct technical sales in the United States, a market experiencing remarkable growth. None of this would have been possible without the hard work, dedication, and team spirit from all our employees and the collaboration from many old and new Danmatic customers.

Now it's time to enjoy a well-deserved holiday break. We wish all our partners and suppliers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to continuing our incredible journey together in 2025!

Thank you for being such an essential part of our success.


Når vi inden længe afslutter året, ser vi tilbage på et fantastisk 2024 for Danmatic. Vi har udvidet vores aktiviteter i Viborg ved at øge produktionskapaciteten med 100% og etableret direkte salg i USA, et marked med bemærkelsesværdig vækst. Intet af dette ville have været muligt uden hårdt arbejde, dedikation og holdånd fra alle vores medarbejdere samt samarbejdet med mange gamle og nye Danmatic-kunder.

Nu er det tid til at nyde en velfortjent juleferie. Vi ønsker alle vores partnere og leverandører en glædelig jul og et godt nytår. Vi ser frem til at fortsætte vores fantastiske rejse sammen i 2025!

Tak for at være en så vigtig del af vores succes.
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1 month ago
Danmatic Seeds Enrobed
Danmatic Retracting Unit - Industrial Model
Danmatic Depanner
Danmatic Moistening Roller - Olive Oil
Danmatic Retracting Unit
Danmatic Separator
Danmatic Seeder with brush
Danmatic Vacuum Conveyor
Danmatic Drilling / Bagging of Baguettes
Danmatic Tray Feeder
Danmatic Décor Unit 300 ST
Danmatic Vibrating Gutter System
Danmatic Seeder with Vibration
Danmatic Tray conveying
Danmatic Grouper
Baguette Drilling - French Hotdog

Tray Conveying

Danmatic’s Tray Conveyors are designed for gentle but efficient transport of your baking trays, minimizing the wear of your trays as well as minimizing the number of stops down the line.

The Danmatic’s Tray Conveying system are designed with narrow plastic belts positioned on each side of a centered tray stop. These belts run continuously, ensuring that the trays remain in contact with the tray stop. When the tray stop is released, the tray can continue moving down the conveyor.

To facilitate control and monitoring of the system, the Tray Conveyor is equipped with its own controls, typically using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a touch panel interface. This setup provides users with a comprehensive overview of the system’s operation and allows for efficient management of the conveyor’s functions.

The primary purposes of the Tray Conveyor system includes buffering and grouping of the trays, before they are indexed through a depanning unit or through at retractor unit.

Technical data
  • Costumized to fit into existing lines
  • Speed control
  • High quality materials
  • Stainless steel and food approved materials

All the benefits

  • Customized for best use of available space
  • Little wear on trays/straps
  • Reduce down time
  • Elevator and multi level conveyors avilable

Please contact us

Please call us or send your general inquiries.

+45 8725 9800