Danmatic’s work on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
At Danmatic, we have been working purposefully with the SDGs to identify where we, as a company, can make the most difference, and we have chosen to start with Goals 8, 9 and 12.
Decent work and economic growth
Danmatic strives to create decent work and economic growth for our employees, and through the machines we develop and manufacture. We strive to develop machines that improve the working environment, resources and production efficiency.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Danmatic wants to be part of an inclusive, sustainable industrialisation process that, together with innovation and production optimisation, unleashes dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and revenue for our customers.
Responsible consumption and production
Sustainable consumption and production are about doing more and better with less, which is why we always thrive on reducing material use and energy consumption throughout the lifecycle of Danmatic’s machines.